Full Moon in Pisces: Reconnect with Source



Full Moon at 21° of Pisces at 12:33 am EST September 14, 2019

soften your gaze

and perceive the

all that is

This month’s full moon invites us to step out of the busyness of Virgo season for long enough to reconnect with Source. Allow your eyes to soften their focus, loosening hold of the details so that the whole comes into sight. Find ways to return to a sense of connectedness to the all-that-is. This could be through making music with others, relating to plants and animals, or going inward to touch into Spirit as it lives in your own body.

have you been feeling like a squeezed fish?


On the tail of an active series of weeks astrologically, the full moon in Pisces asks for softness. The weekend, too, is dense with aspects. Where we’ve been challenged, focused and driven it is time to seek a gentler tone in ourselves and the world. The cumulative pressures may have led to overwhelm and a longing for deep restoration or retreat. This retreat could come in any number of forms. Acknowledging all that you do and are, invite yourself to ask for what you need in the way of rejuvenation.  

Bring mindfulness to how you choose to step away from the world. Alcohol, drugs and addictive behaviors around food and sex are one route. Sacred solitude, meditation, hot baths and time in nature are another.

Explore what will regenerate your inner resources



Where are the planets?

Mercury in Virgo

Venus in Virgo

Mars in Virgo

Jupiter in Sagittarius

Saturn retrograde in Capricorn

Uranus retrograde in Taurus

Neptune retrograde in Pisces

Pluto retrograde in Capricorn


happy melting

a calm fish is a wise fish is a fish who serves the whole with ease

Transits, FireElsie WhiteLeo, New Moon, Fire